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12 Reasons Why a Land Survey is Super Important

We don't hear a lot about land surveys until something goes wrong like a neighbour disputing a lot line or the city won't give you a permit to put an addition on. Paying for a survey is expensive but well worth the money before you decide to sell a property if you already own a property. Sometimes the city or municipality will have an original survey on record that might at least give you some idea on your property lines.

Getting a land survey is important for several reasons, as it serves various purposes that can benefit property owners, buyers, and developers. Here are some key reasons why getting a land survey is important:

  1. Property Boundary Determination:

    • A land survey accurately establishes the boundaries of a property. This helps prevent boundary disputes with neighbors, which can be costly and time-consuming to resolve legally.

2. Property Line Marking:

  • Surveyors can physically mark property lines with stakes, markers, or other physical indicators. This makes it clear where one property ends and another begins, reducing the likelihood of encroachments.

3. Legal Requirement:

  • In many jurisdictions, a land survey is a legal requirement when buying or selling real estate. It ensures that the property is accurately described in legal documents, such as deeds and titles.

4. Zoning and Land Use Planning:

  • Surveys provide essential information for zoning and land use planning. Local authorities use survey data to determine the suitability of the land for various purposes and enforce zoning regulations.

5. Building and Development:

  • Before constructing buildings or making improvements to a property, a survey is often required to ensure that structures are within property boundaries and meet local building codes.

6. Property Value Assessment:

  • Accurate property boundaries and information about easements, rights-of-way, and encroachments can affect the property's value. A land survey helps assess the property's worth more precisely.

7. Land Subdivision:

  • If you plan to subdivide your land into multiple parcels, a survey is essential to establish the new property boundaries and ensure compliance with subdivision regulations.

8. Mortgage Lending:

  • Lenders may require a land survey before approving a mortgage loan to ensure that the property's boundaries align with what is described in the legal documents.

9. Environmental Considerations:

  • Surveys can identify environmentally sensitive areas on a property, such as wetlands or flood zones. This information is crucial for complying with environmental regulations.

10. Property Disputes:

  • In cases of property disputes, having a recent and accurate land survey can provide evidence in court and help resolve conflicts more efficiently.

11. Peace of Mind:

  • A land survey provides peace of mind to property owners, knowing that their property boundaries are accurately defined, reducing the potential for conflicts and legal issues in the future.

12. Insurance Coverage:

  • Some insurance companies may offer coverage for boundary disputes or title issues if a recent land survey is available, potentially saving property owners from costly legal expenses.

In summary, a land survey is essential to establish property boundaries, prevent disputes, comply with legal requirements, make informed decisions about property development, and ensure that property owners have a clear understanding of their land's characteristics. It is an investment that can save time, money, and stress in the long run.

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